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Recommend Klevere and earn 20% commission monthly on paid subscriptions on a lifetime basis.

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Klevere helps teams scale with an AI Workforce
Say their teams work faster
Productivity gains monthly
Say that AI improves performance
No entry bar
Start a business that is easy to scale but doesn't require a budget.
Infinite referrals
Recommend Klevere to an unlimited number of people.
Share your affiliate link through any type of content.

Start in 3 simple steps

Klevere makes it super simple to register and start earning lifetime commissions on a monthly basis.
Follow the steps below and get started.
Register for the Klevere affiliate program. Your affiliate link is system-generated and is available in your account.
Promote the Link
Share your affiliate link through the content of your choice. 
Track Earnings
Easily track your growth in one dashboard.
Share your affiliate link
Share this referral link with friends and followers.









Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers you need below or reach out to us on chat for any clarifications you require
How are conversions counted?
How are conversions tracked?
Minimum payout amount?
When are payments issued?
How are payments issued?
Are affiliates allowed to represent themselves as Klevere employees?
Are self referrals allowed?
Is PPC advertising allowed?
I have more questions, where can I get more help?

100X Workflows with AI Results in Seconds